Admissions and Transport Process Privacy Notice

This notice explains what personal data (information) we hold about you, how we collect, how we use and may share information about you.

Who we are Buckinghamshire Council (BC)’s Admissions and Transport Team supports schools and parents with the school admissions and home to school transport processes. We manage entry to primary schools (reception and Junior entry) and secondary school admission processes (including the outcomes of the secondary transfer test) and the in-year school admissions process. We consider whether your child is eligible to receive home to school transport. We make sure each child is offered a school place that is suitable to their age, ability and needs.

Personal data Each year, we process your data to enable us to offer places at school. We collect the data we use from you and also from schools. Buckinghamshire schools upload pupil data to our central database. We use the central database record (held on the council’s Capita ONE database) plus information you tell us to process your child’s application for either a school place or home to school transport. The processes are in summary: your application for a school place, your application for, and outcome of, transfer testing or your school transport application. We are a data processor on behalf of the Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools for the secondary transfer testing process.

What we need We collect basic personal data about your child and your school preferences. This may include your child’s name, date of birth, age, gender, address, current school, SEN status, Social Care status, result of the secondary/late transfer test (where sat) and racial origin. We also collect information about you as you have parental responsibility and you are making the application. We will ask for your name, address, email and telephone numbers. If other people also have parental responsibility we may collect the same information about them.

Who we share your data with and who shares data with us We need to know your child’s and your own personal data to accurately process school admissions. We will share your data with schools you have applied for. Some schools will ask you for more information to process their particular admission rules. Examples of these rules are: faith rules, exceptional social or medical rules, sibling rules or feeder school rules. They will collect this extra information and then share it with us. If you apply to a school in another county/borough area then we will share your data with their Admissions and Transport Team. We may also share your data with other teams within BC, Child Health services (for screening and immunisation support), law enforcement services and other authorities if required to do so by law. We will only collect the personal data that we need to carry out our processes. We also submit admissions data to the Department for Education. No third parties have access to your personal information, unless the law allows them to do so. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine business need to know it. We will not sell your personal information to anyone else.

What we do with your data We will do what we can to make sure we hold records about you (on paper and electronically) in a secure way. We will only make it available to those who have a right to see it. All personal information we receive is processed and held securely by us in the UK. We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. In the event of a suspected security breach we will notify you and any applicable regulator of the breach where we are legally required to do so.

How long we keep your data We hold the admissions process information for seven years following the allocation. Your information will be kept up to date whilst your child attends a Buckinghamshire school. It will be archived or securely destroyed once your child is 19 unless they also hold an Education Health and Care Plan in which case it will be held until they are 25.

What are your rights? If you think that the information we hold on you is incorrect, you can request to see it, have it corrected or deleted. Depending on our reason for using your information you may also be entitled to: ask us to delete information we hold about you, have your information transferred electronically to yourself, object to decisions being made that significantly affect you, object to how we are using your information, stop us using your information in certain ways. We will always seek to comply with your request however we may be required to hold or use your information to comply with legal duties. Please note, your request may delay or prevent us delivering a service to you. If you wish to complain about how we have handled your personal information you can email our Data Protection Officer at . Our Data Protection Officer will investigate your complaint. If you are still not satisfied with our response or you believe we are not processing your personal information in line with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Their website address is or you can email

View Buckinghamshire Council's privacy notice

Information on how the Department for Education holds and uses this data can be found at


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